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If you have the original version of the Coffee Pack installed and placed, please sell all your product, sell the placeables, and remove the mod.  This version works differently and is explained below.

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Master Pack

Master Pack/Trailer And Sell
This pack is needed to move and sell all products in the factory pack.

Coffee Pack

Coffee Pack
This pack includes a coffee orchard to produce raw coffee beans, and a coffee roaster to roast the beans into a final coffee product.  The Master Pack/Trailer And Sell is needed to sell and move final product.  Either the kotte universal tanks or Nc Raiders AR pack are needed to work with the liquid triggers.

Doughnut Pack

Update List

Doughnut Pack
This pack has a flour, sugar, milk, vegetable oil mill, egg, and doughnut production building needed to produce doughnuts.  Either the kotte universal tanks or Nc Raiders AR pack are needed to work with the liquid triggers.  Links to mods can be found by clicking the "i".

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